Tag Archives: Education

Are you a Leader or a Brown Noser?

Brown Noser

Let me just put this out there. Just because you are in a high profile position at your job doesn’t make you a leader. I’ve worked in the corporate and non-profit world for years now. I’ve worked for and met a lot of people who are definitely not qualified to be in leadership positions. So, how did they get to that level, you may wonder. One word – Brown noser. Believe it or not there are a lot of brown nosers in my office and in yours as well, you may be one of them. My motto is: “my work should speak for itself.” When I think of a leader what comes to my mind is a

Liberal individual who is highly
Experienced in their field and who has the
Ability to make things happen and is
Determine to see their subordinates achieve to an
Executive level position. Also someone who knows he/she is not the
Ruler of the world and others are just their mere servant.

So, if you are an individual who has climbed the corporate ladder, just remember where you started. If you got there by kissing butt, don’t make that a criteria for the people you’re supervising. So, I ask, are you a brown noser or a leader?

Free Spirit – Young Entrepreneurs in the Works

The video below was submitted by some very motivated young ladies. They are ages 12 and 13. I thought it was great to see middle school “Go-Getters.” I’m sure you will be seeing much more from them in the near future.

This video doesn’t exist

We have to continue to show our young entrepreneurs love. My hat goes off to these three young ladies. I wish them the best. I see great things in their future.